Are you looking for accomodation in Bratislava but don´t want to finance buying a property right now?

Many people think that although they live in Bratislava and at the moment it is the best place they can imagine, but who knows what will happen in 2 years… Will I still want to live in the same city, or will I be somewhere else? And so they choose renting. Brand new is just new construction, anyone who has…

Are you planning to retire? Choose a new home according to your (not only) current lifestyle needs

The average American retires at age 62. In Slovakia, the state-guaranteed retirement age is 64. If you are younger than 1966, your retirement age still moves up, according to your age and the life expectancy in Slovakia. Although retirement may not be your everyday topic now, it’s a good idea to think about it a little earlier. Retirement marks the…